Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

Relic Hall


Relic Hall

At the Relic Hall, spells can be purchased or upgraded using Gold Gold.png. Spells give the player an advantage when they attack a base, and if they are used right, they can easily change the tide of battle.
Higher level spells costs more to purchase, but may deal more damage or heal more HP, cover a larger area, have a longer duration, and increase stats higher.
A player can have up to four spell slots, but they cannot have more than one spell of each type at a time.
  • Magic Effect has the number of affected targets. The area of effect of spells is not shown.

Relic Hall Page

Relic Hall building unlocks at Town Hall level 2. As the the Hall building was unlock the spell building opens.
Purchase SpellUnlocks at Level 6Unlocks at Level 11Unlocks at Level 16

Purchased Spells

Purchase disasterPurchase frenzyPurchase meteorPurchase phoenixPurchase snow


When you click Relic Hall you will find 3 Icons which commonly shows. These 3 icons are Info, Level Up and Magic.
Here are the details of every icon:
  • Info – an Icon that states information and details about Relic Hall
  • Level Up – gives you an option to upgrade your Relic Hall in a certain level to open new Spells and new slots for spells.
  • Magic – is the entrance to view the lists of spells you may buy. It also shows some spells which you can upgrade, the usage and its availability.
There are another Icons which you will find once you Level Up your Relic Hall. These are the Cancel Icon and the Finish Icon. The details for Cancel and Finish Icons are as follows.
  • Cancel – if you want to cancel your Level Up process, you can do so by hitting this icon. It will notify you that you can only retrieve 50% of the amount you spend for the Level Up you have made.
  • Finish – is an icon where Gems are involved. If you want to finish instantly certain Level Up you have made, you can do so by spending the amount of gems shown on the top of the Finish Icon. Red number means that your gems stock is insufficient.

Potion Magic

Source: Magic guide
Magic ArrowRainArrow RainRains arrows on an area, dealing 8% of Max HP + 120 DMG to all enemy troops within the area over 8 seconds. Does not affect buildings.Effective only against tier 1 troops. Level 5 arrow rain can kill a level 5 GuardianHunter and Pyromancer, as well as level 1 Griffin. It is useful magic for low might level against weak troops.(Note: Not recommended for Heroes ! It will do low amount of damage and charge their skill up).
Magic RestorationRestorationPlaces a healing circle on the battlefield, healing all friendly troops in the area for 6% of their Max HP + 10 HP every second for 8 seconds.Very useful magic for all might levels. Level 5 can heal 120% HP + 400 over 8 seconds. It gives the heroes and troops extra life in the battlefield.
Magic AresFervorAres’ FervorInvokes Ares’ strength on all your troops and heros, granting them +5% ATK until the battle ends.The spell affects troops and includes heroes – deployed before the magic is cast. All troops deployed after will not receive any bonus. This is another useful magic for all might levels. Level 5 increase ATK by 17%, which virtually increases the ATK power of troops by two levels. After using it, all tier 2 level 5 troops (Griffin, Shotgun Dwarf) will have higher per space ATK than tier 3 level 5 troops without boost. (Description says Ares’ Fervor will not boost heroes, but it will in battle)
Magic WindstormWindstormSweeps a hurricane through the enemy base, dealing 8% Max HP +800 DMG for 8 seconds to all enemy buildings in it’s path. Tilt your device to control the storm’s path.This magic is usually useless, because it only damage buildings rather than troops. The only case in which Windstorm could be useful is when the towers pose a great threat to the troops. This can happen when the player fights a very high might base this spell can be used to help destroy the towers faster.
Magic GuardianAngelGuardianAngelSummons an Angel’s protection, granting invulnerability to a number of friendly troops (including heroes) in the area for 6 seconds.One of the most important magic spells. If the player uses only heroes to raid, level 1 Guardian Angel provides invulnerability to all heroes. Guardian Angel works best with tier 3 troops, so if the player wants to control their might, wait until they have strong tier 3 troops before upgrading it to high levels. Don’t wait until the last second to use. It usually takes about 1 second or more for the magic to go into effect.
Magic MeteorMeteorShowers an area with meteors, dealing 12% of Max HP as DMG to all enemies in the area for 6 seconds.An upgraded version of Arrow rain. Since the maximum damage is 30%, it will not kill any troops, and can be used to only weaken enemy’s troops and heroes. Because its effect is limited, it is recommend that a player NOT upgrade this magic.
Magic DisasterDisasterRolls a massive boulder across the battlefield, dealing 10% Max HP +300 DMG for 5 seconds to all enemies in its path. Also reduces ATK of affected troops by 20% for 5 seconds. Tilt your device to guide the boulder.Another upgraded version of Arrow rain, but disaster can kill level 5 Griffin, and can be used to weaken heroes’ ATK. However, there is better magic when the player upgrades a few more levels, so disaster is not a recommended magic.
Magic AresFrenzyAres’ FrenzyAres’ bloodlust possesses friendly troops (including Heroes) in an area for 8 seconds, granting +20% ATK, ATK SPD, and MOV SPD.A useful magic, the boost in ATK and ATK speed by 60% gives an overall boost of 156%. This means if the player has 50Griffin, the magic can effectively increase them to 128 griffins for 15 seconds. The timer starts when the troop enters the purple area. This Magic Spell, like Ares Fervor, affects Heroes.
Magic PhoenixFlightPhoenix FlightSummons a Phoenix that flies across the battlefield for 10 seconds, randomly reviving 6 friendly troops in it’s path (not Heroes). Guide the Phoenix by dragging your finger on the screen.This spell is one of the best companion to tier 3 troops. When fighting high might opponents, high level garrison tower with high level heroes inside is a big threat to heroes. To counter this kind of defense, one way is to send yourOrnithopter and FD to destroy enemy towers first, then send out heroes and use Phoenix flight at proper time to revive the troops. Because the hiring time for tier 3 troops is very long, a player can always use this magic to save the time for recruiting troops.
Magic SnowstormSnowstormBlankets an area with a snowstorm, dealing 6% of Max HP +200 DMG to all enemies in the area. Also freezes affected troops for 6 seconds.Snowstorm deals damage to both troops and buildings, but most importantly, the magic freezes everything within range, including towers, effectively granting invincibility to all attacking troops. This is the best spell to clear high leveldungeons. A player can easily fight level 180 heroes with level 100 heroes supported by a high level snowstorm. It is also very useful when raiding other people at high might level, since the freezing affects both heroes and towers.


LevelLevel Up Cost (Gold)HPLevel Up Time TimerSpell UnlockedMagic SlotsMightSpell Might
1240 Gold.png2,50010 secondsArrow Rain, Restoration1525
21,100 Gold.png3,0001 minutes110
33,000 Gold.png3,5005 minutes115
46,000 Gold.png4,00015 minutes120
513,000 Gold.png4,50030 minutesAres Fervor12520
622,000 Gold.png5,5001 hours230
738,000 Gold.png6,5002 hoursWindstorm23525
863,000 Gold.png7,5004 hoursGuardian Angel24030
9110,000 Gold.png8,5008 hoursMeteor24535
10150,000 Gold.png10,00012 hours250
11270,000 Gold.png11,5001 daysDisaster35540
12380,000 Gold.png13,5002 days360
13520,000 Gold.png15,5003 daysAres Frenzy36545
14690,000 Gold.png18,0004 days370
15890,000 Gold.png20,5005 daysPhoenix Flight37550
161,300,000 Gold.png24,0006 daysSnowstorm48055
171,800,000 Gold.png27,5007 days485
182,400,000 Gold.png32,5008 days490
193,000,000 Gold.png37,50010 days495
203,600,000 Gold.png45,00012 days4100


Tier (Level)1 (1)2 (2)3 (3)4 (4-5)5 (6-7)
ImageRelic hall 1Relic hall 2Relic hall 3Relic hall 4Relic hall 5
Tier (Level)6 (8-9)7 (10-11)8 (12-14)9 (15-17)10 (18-20)
ImageRelic hall 6Relic hall 7Relic hall 8Relic hall 9Relic hall 10

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